Festo Announces the Launch of Electeo: A New Web-Based Electronics Training System
Electeo is built to streamline electronics skills development in universities, vocational and technical schools Turnkey for achieving a modern electronics lab with digital tools Compatible with a wide range of devices and operating systems Supports electronics concepts in mechatronics, automation, and instrumentation and control, plus more.
Electeo, an innovative new learning solution from Festo, will be unveiled at ACTE CareerTech VISION in Phoenix, Arizona on November 29, 2023. Visitors at the Festo booth will have the opportunity to demo Electeo, along with a variety of Industry 4.0 education and training products from Festo Didactic. A virtual unveiling will be held on Friday, December 8, 2023 at 10:00 am EST.
“Festo takes pride in keeping educators and students at the forefront of technology and career training,” said Dan Rodriguez, Sales Director for Festo Didactic North America. “Given the speed of advancement in the field of electronics, we knew it was time for an upgraded approach to electronics skills development. Electeo does exactly that - it’s the forward-thinking, user-friendly training solution every modern electronics lab needs.”
The rapidly evolving electronics industry requires a fresh approach to electronics education and training. The internet of things and communication technology have spurred innovation, leading to the development of smaller, more efficient and interconnected devices and systems. Electronics has evolved toward a software-oriented approach. Digitalization necessitates curriculum changes, and an increasing number of students from diverse backgrounds now require electronics skills, placing added pressure on educators.
Ready-to-Use Curriculum
Turnkey courses are at the heart of the learning experience with Electeo. They focus on hands-on experimentation and introduce theory in a straightforward manner. Learning objectives are clearly defined and supported by relevant activities. The courses are also designed to expedite lesson planning and allow for self-paced, autonomous learning.
A certain number of courses will be available upon launch (topics marked with a *); the others will follow. And more will be developed to cover motor electronics, digital electronics, industrial electronics, and telecommunication electronics.
• DC Fundamentals *
• AC Fundamentals *
• Inductors and Capacitors *
• Magnetism and Electromagnetism *
• Transformers
• AC Circuits
• Network Theorems
• Three-Phase AC Fundamentals
• Diodes *
• Transistors
• Thyristors
• Power Supply
• FET and IGBT
• Operational amplifiers
Festo LX and FluidSIM: Compatible Online Study and Simulation
Electeo unlocks its full potential when used in combination with Festo LX (subscription required) for a completely online solution. Digital courses allow teachers to create, plan, and assign courses, and track and report on learners’ progress. Virtual instruments are accessible directly within the interface of Festo LX for efficient hands-on sessions. Measured data is transferred in the course providing a high level of interactivity. For a complete digital solution, FluidSIM 365 will soon be accessible (subscription required) from the interface of Festo LX, allowing online simulation of electrical circuits.
Festo is a leading manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components, and controls for process and industrial automation. Festo Didactic leverages its automation expertise to provide comprehensive industrial and technical education solutions. Festo is committed to providing educators and employers with the hands-on training, digital coursework and blended learning solutions needed to close the STEM skills gap. Our lab equipment, curriculum and certification programs are thoughtfully designed to support various learning pathways and on-the-job training. With 4,000+ FICP certifications and 36,000 Festo-equipped educational institutions, Festo Didactic and its partners are preparing students and employees for the future of work. https://www.festo-didactic.com/us-en/ and www.festo.com