Festo introduces the MS2:
The new MS2 air preparation units from industrial automation specialist Festo allows machine builders and design engineers to put precision and accuracy close to the process without compromising on flow rates. The MS2 is designed to deliver the optimum combination of compact design, low weight and high flow rates that are ideally suited to end of arm tooling applications in electronics and small parts assembly.
Aruj Abbas, Festo Product Manager, says: “We believe that our new MS2 air regulators and filters are the smallest currently available on the market. They not only deliver superior control performance but also their size envelope allows installation directly on moving components in dynamic applications such as pick and place, which makes the latter extremely responsive. Being so light, these MS2 units have negligible or no effect on the kinematics of the machine or system on which they are placed.”
The MS2 LR compressed air regulator weighs in at just 28g-31g, while the MS2 LFR filter weighs no more than 38g. In addition, these air preparation units feature clever integrated push-in fittings, which remove the need for connecting plates or additional parts: reducing assembly time and cost, and delivering space savings of up to 40%.
MS2 units are up to 50% lighter than rival components with comparative flow rates. They are made from state-of-the-art polymer materials, which makes them robust as well as light. For such diminutive products, they offer a best-in-class flow rate: 350 l/min for the pressure regulator and 310 l/min for the filter regulator, using a 5µ filter. Tubing with an outside diameter of 6mm can be connected directly to the MS2 when using QS6 connections.
Concludes Abbas: “Festo has been employing the MS2 regulators in testing, gripping and handling applications within their own manufacturing facilities for some time, so we are confident about the performance, space and cost benefits they can deliver. Now, they are being made available to customers worldwide as a valued addition to Festo’s core product range, meaning they are competitively priced and stocked locally for fast delivery.”
For more information about the MS2 range, visit: www.festo.co.uk/ms2
About Festo
Festo is a leading international supplier of automation technology with a turnover in 2023 of around €3.65 billion. Festo employs over 20,600 people worldwide and is a proven innovator and problem solver in pneumatic and electrical automation, where it is the performance leader. Festo offers around 33,000 pneumatic and electric products in hundreds of thousands of variants for factory and process automation technology, many of which can be tailored to specific customer needs. Sustainability, reducing its CO2 footprint, digital learning, innovation, performance and speed are the key drivers for the company's future. Festo GB operates as a carbon neutral organisation and uses the PAS 2060 standard externally audited by NQA to validate this claim to customers, employees and other stakeholders.
Festo Industrial Automation's innovative strength is demonstrated through the launch of around 100 new products every year. The company invests over 7% of its turnover in R&D, resulting in over 2,600 patents held worldwide. For more information about the company's products and UK / Irish services, please visit: www.festo.com/gb and www.festo.com/ie
Festo and Industry 4.0 - Festo has engaged with the Industry 4.0 initiative from its inception: as a user, manufacturer and trainer. As a member of the steering group, the company has taken an active role in defining the core standards such as the RAMI model and the Administration Shell. Festo Didactic has installed Industry 4.0 Cyber-Physical Factory training hardware systems in many leading universities and training centres. It also provides Industry 4.0 training courses for change managers and practical workshops for employees. Industry 4.0 technologies such as OPC-UA communications are embedded in the latest generation products. For more information, go to www.festo.com/digitalisation
Festo Didactic training delivers training for industry – by industry. Combining Festo's industrial heritage with its future-focused manufacturing and engineering expertise to deliver courses for greater productivity and competitiveness. Offering a wide range of open courses, structured development programmes and tailor-made, customer-specific projects on technology and Industry 4.0 and the industry-leading online training suite, Festo LX. Festo also provides state-of-the-art training equipment solutions for industrial companies and educational institutions around the world. Festo Didactic has around 56,000 education customers worldwide. More information on Festo training and consulting services can be found at: www.festo.com/didactic
Festo Bionic Learning Network encapsulates the innovative nature of Festo, raising awareness and attracting talent to the company. Exploring the links between nature and technology opens new areas of innovation and demonstrates complex ideas in a stimulating and enjoyable way. Festo works with an alliance of internal R&D, external educational establishments and specialist companies to advance bionic solutions for automation applications of the future. The objective is to benefit from bionics as a source of inspiration and to realise these in industrial automation. For more information about Festo's Bionic Learning Network, please visit: www.festo.com/bionics