Festo App wins at the Give a Breath Challenge
On July 29th, Festo and the Fraunhofer IPA were honoured for their developed App "Virus Fighters Handbook" at the Award Ceremony of the Give a Breath Challenge in Munich, an ideas competition organised by Munich Re and the Fraunhofer Society to combat the corona crisis.
In their project, Festo and a team from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) joined forces to develop the design of a digital manual based on an existing app in corporation with medical experts from several hospitals. Registered users receive information via the app on the use and maintenance of the newly developed respirators, with specific information provided on treating Covid-19 patients.
With Smartenance, Festo provided an existing and stable platform that only needed minimal reprogramming. The Smartenance software is normally used for the maintenance and servicing of machines and systems in industrial production. The Fraunhofer team, which specialises in the development of didactic material in the field of medical technology, provided the training content.
The Virus Fighters Handbook is to be made available to users worldwide free of charge, as an app for downloading and as a web application.
"I like the entrepreneurial spirit and courage of the team to take the initiative and seize opportunities spontaneously, even outside entrenched structures and processes. Being able to help people around the world fight corona with a purely digital product has given the team a special boost. Festo is proud that their idea has now been awarded a prize", Andreas Oroszi, Head of Digital Business at Festo, says.
Munich Re and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft launched the Give a Breath Challenge in March. The challenge was split into three categories. The first category was for designs for non-invasive respirator and oxygen concentrators, the second for the development of non-invasive respirator masks, and the third for the provision of information on the use of the equipment developed and basic knowledge on Covid-19 for additional support staff needed. With these three components, a complete respirator system can be set up. It has to be possible to produce the equipment anywhere in the world using 3D printing or other fast manufacturing processes. The primary aim is to create the technological basis for the rapid local supply of respirators to cope with imminent shortages in the local emergency treatment of Covid-19 patients and mitigate the impact of the pandemic for people affected worldwide.
Over 150 project designs from all over the world were submitted to the Challenge. The prize money and the implementation budget for the projects total one million euros.
Video about the Virus Fighters Handbook:
About Smartenance:
Landingpage Give a Breath Challenge including press release of Munich Re:
Festo es un actor global y una empresa familiar independiente con sede en Esslingen am Neckar (Alemania). Desde sus inicios, Festo ha marcado pautas en la tecnología de automatización industrial y en la formación técnica, contribuyendo así al desarrollo sostenible del medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. La empresa suministra tecnología de automatización neumática y eléctrica a 300.000 clientes de automatización de fábricas y procesos en más de 35 sectores. El sector LifeTech, con la tecnología médica y la automatización de laboratorios, es cada vez más importante. Los productos y servicios están disponibles en 176 países de todo el mundo. En todo el mundo, unos 20.600 empleados en cerca de 60 países con más de 250 sucursales generaron unas ventas de aproximadamente 3.650 millones de euros en 2023. De esta cantidad, alrededor del 7% se invierte anualmente en investigación y desarrollo. En la empresa de aprendizaje, las medidas de formación y desarrollo representan el 1,5% de la facturación. Festo Didactic SE es un proveedor líder de educación y formación técnica y ofrece a sus clientes de todo el mundo soluciones integrales de aprendizaje digital y físico en el entorno industrial.