ID: 3980

Festo on the way to climate neutrality

Automation technology manufacturer from Esslingen will massively reduce CO₂ footprint

"Festo will massively reduce its CO2 footprint over the next two years. As a result, by the end of 2023, all our production and logistics sites as well as the German sales locations and the corporate headquarters in Esslingen will be CO2 neutral", explains the Chairman of the Management Board of Festo SE & Co. KG, Dr. h.c. Oliver Jung, in his end-of-year address to the staff.

The Executive Board has decided on extensive investments and released budgets in order to be able to realise the neutralisation of Scope1 and Scope2 emissions (our own generation and purchase of energy according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol).

The planned measures are carried out in four main directions:

  • They serve to improve energy efficiency in production. In future, new buildings will also be designed to be CO2 neutral with regard to air conditioning.
  • A massive expansion of the company's own renewable energy production through photovoltaics will significantly reduce the amount of electricity purchased from outside sources.
  • Likewise, a switch to 100% green power is to be implemented.
  • And in the following years, ecologically sensible compensation projects will be implemented to bridge unavoidable conversion periods of existing heating systems and the vehicle fleet in all our Festo properties worldwide.


Festo has aligned its own sustainability strategy along the lines of the United Nations Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) and firmly anchored it in its corporate strategy CS 2025. Festo believes that the range of services in automation and technical education is well on the way to offering its customers sustainable, innovative and competitive solutions.

In this context, so-called Scope3 emissions (i.e. upstream and downstream emissions outside our own area) will play an increasingly important role. Here, emissions from purchasing, logistics on the one hand and the use of our products by customers on the other are considered. Reducing the energy consumption of Festo products in use is a particular focus of our research and development activities. To this end, pioneering innovations will be presented to our customers at the Hanover Trade Fair 2022.

On the path to climate neutrality, industry as a whole will play a key role. New solutions will be found in the interplay of digitalisation, artificial intelligence, automation and sustainable energy concepts and resilient infrastructures. Linked to this, the changing qualification requirements will also give new impetus to technical education. Festo believes it is ideally positioned to play its part in a climate-neutral future.

With the decision to go CO2 neutral, Festo is assuming responsibility as a family company and will make its own contribution to tackling the greatest task facing humanity today, the fight against climate change and its consequences. "We are convinced that our commitment to the ecological transformation of business and industry provides meaningful orientation for all of us in the Festo family company and offers a wide range of opportunities", says the Chairman of the Management Board Dr. Oliver Jung. 

Festo es un actor global y una empresa familiar independiente con sede en Esslingen am Neckar (Alemania). Desde sus inicios, Festo ha marcado pautas en la tecnología de automatización industrial y en la formación técnica, contribuyendo así al desarrollo sostenible del medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. La empresa suministra tecnología de automatización neumática y eléctrica a 300.000 clientes de automatización de fábricas y procesos en más de 35 sectores. El sector LifeTech, con la tecnología médica y la automatización de laboratorios, es cada vez más importante. Los productos y servicios están disponibles en 176 países de todo el mundo. En todo el mundo, unos 20.600 empleados en cerca de 60 países con más de 250 sucursales generaron unas ventas de aproximadamente 3.650 millones de euros en 2023. De esta cantidad, alrededor del 7% se invierte anualmente en investigación y desarrollo. En la empresa de aprendizaje, las medidas de formación y desarrollo representan el 1,5% de la facturación. Festo Didactic SE es un proveedor líder de educación y formación técnica y ofrece a sus clientes de todo el mundo soluciones integrales de aprendizaje digital y físico en el entorno industrial.

© Festo SE & Co. KG
CR Action Fields
Corporate Responsibility: Fields of action at Festo, derived from the United Nations SDGs.
© Festo SE & Co. KG
Photovoltaic Systems at Festo_1
Festo already has seven photovoltaic systems on its buildings worldwide, two of them at the headquarters in Esslingen (here the AutomationCenter).
© Festo SE & Co. KG
Photovoltaic Systems at Festo_2
Festo already has seven photovoltaic systems on its buildings worldwide. The largest is located at the Jinan plant in China.
© Festo SE & Co. KG
Photovoltaic Systems at Festo_3
A façade photovoltaic system has been installed in Barcelona since 2008.