Festo Didactic provides support for equipping universities in Syria
In cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Festo Didactic, the education division of Festo SE, is striving to improve vocational and technical training in Syrian industry. This is intended to restore sustainable livelihoods in the crisis regions and accelerate their further development.
New laboratories for the professionals of tomorrow
Together with UNIDO, Festo Didactic is setting up new laboratories for the Faculty of Industrial Engineering at the Universities of Damascus and Aleppo. The rooms will be transformed into a modern learning environment through learning solutions and e-learning offerings on technology topics such as pneumatics, hydraulics, electropneumatics and PLC systems. "The key to Syria's reconstruction is skilled professionals. That is why we, as an educational supplier, have a great interest in providing support for technical education and training," says Enrico Rühle, Member of the Management Board, Festo Didactic.
UNIDO and Festo Didactic intensify cooperation
UNIDO has set itself the goal of sustainably promoting industrial growth in developing countries. Further impetus is to be provided by strengthening cooperation with Festo Didactic. "Through teacher training programmes, Didactic has contributed to the creation of a new educational ecosystem that gives many young students a hopeful outlook for the future," says Dr. Nader Imani, Head of Global Education Projects, Festo Didactic. On site, the professors and experts will receive assistance from our long-standing local partner Scientific and Technical Supplies (STS), which will provide technical support.
Festo Didactic est un fournisseur leader de l’enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle. En s'appuyant sur les solutions pédagogiques de Festo Didactic, les écoles et universités, les centres de formation professionnelle et les entreprises du monde entier forment les spécialistes de l'automatisme industriel de demain. Festo Didactic fait partie du groupe Festo, une entreprise familiale indépendante, internationale, dont le siège est à Esslingen am Neckar en Allemagne. Les 760 employés de Festo Didactic dans environ 60 sociétés nationales Festo ont réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 140 millions d'euros en 2022.