Strengthening dimensional metrology skills to improve productivity and quality in manufacturing
Product dimensional inspection skills are key for manufacturing excellence and quality control in a globalized, competitive world. To ensure strict product compliance with design specifications, expertise in product measurement, interpretation of technical drawings, and statistical techniques should become second nature so that workers can correctly apply these skills as soon as they hit the shop floor.
“Employers expect such fundamental skills from the workforce. But because of the broad scope of the topics and the need for extensive hands-on experimentation, dimensional metrology is sometimes only partly covered in the classroom”, explains Dr Hans Jörg Stotz, Member of the Management Board for Festo Didactic. “This is what led to the development of pragmatic learning solutions that support training at school and in industry settings.”
Comprehensive training that puts skills to the test
Three new training packages accelerate knowledge acquisition, as well as practical skills development and assessment in dimensional metrology, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and statistical process control, applied to the requirements of the manufacturing industry.
Multimedia course material guides learners (students, trainees, or workers) through an extensive range of activities and projects arranged in a sequence of increasing complexity. Hands-on experimentation is carried out using turnkey equipment sets. Modular courses and equipment entail flexibility: training can be adapted to individual needs, whether in the framework of a formal course or as self-guided learning.
Relevant skills for employment
To ensure maximum pedagogical value and realism, experienced teachers provided valuable feedback regarding their training requirements. “We go beyond measuring tasks and pure technical knowledge. The courses also develop transversal competencies, such as decision-making and problem-solving skills – a requirement for today’s workplace”, says François-Philippe Paradis, Product Manager of Industrial Trades learning solutions, Festo Didactic.
The training packages are available from Festo Didactic sales representatives or dealers. For more information, including access to videos, please visit our website: www.festo-didactic.com/int-en/learning-systems/maintenance-mechanics/dimensional-metrology-key-skills-for-the-manufacturing-world.html
Festo Didactic est un fournisseur leader de l’enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle. En s'appuyant sur les solutions pédagogiques de Festo Didactic, les écoles et universités, les centres de formation professionnelle et les entreprises du monde entier forment les spécialistes de l'automatisme industriel de demain. Festo Didactic fait partie du groupe Festo, une entreprise familiale indépendante, internationale, dont le siège est à Esslingen am Neckar en Allemagne. Les 760 employés de Festo Didactic dans environ 60 sociétés nationales Festo ont réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 140 millions d'euros en 2022.