ID: 2500

Digital Maintenance Management by App

Smartenance from Festo finally makes maintenance paperless

Preventive system maintenance is a time-consuming process which, astonishingly, is for the most part still documented using pen and paper. Preventive system maintenance is a time-consuming process which, astonishingly, is for the most part still documented using pen and paper. Smartenance puts an end to all that: this software program from Festo is a digital maintenance manager for production managers and system operators, available for download as an app.

Smartenance is the first exclusively digital product from Festo. It is available for download as a mobile app for smartphones and tablets in the Apple and Google app stores. The dashboard for production managers is conveniently available in the web browser. Smartenance enables end customers to schedule, monitor and evaluate system maintenance. A digital maintenance schedule makes maintenance easier, quicker and more reliable. Reciprocal checking by system operators and production managers provides greater reliability. It eliminates many processes and the need for coordination.


Advantages for system operators and production managers

Smartenance is cloud-based and not specific to any manufacturer. The application is self-explanatory and therefore quick and easy to set up. It provides a simple, low-cost introduction to the world of digitalisation. Festo Smartenance consists of two parts: a mobile maintenance schedule in the form of an app for smartphones and tablets, and a dashboard in the form of a web page for production managers, where they can manage and document maintenance tasks. The dashboard can simply be opened in a web browser.


After downloading from the Apple or Google app stores, users purchase a licence for Smartenance in the Festo App World. With a valid licence, users can autonomously transfer the maintenance tasks and intervals found in the system documentation that they have received from the machine builder. The system is then immediately ready for use and every system operator can view and process all tasks. Production managers automatically see all completed and pending tasks at a single glance.


Smartenance is also useful for machine builders. The app allows them to transform the maintenance tasks for every system directly into a digital solution and offer their customers added value for the system. Maintenance instructions can even be digitally enhanced with images, videos and PDFs. This makes it much easier for team members to work together. Smartenance makes the maintenance task immediately visible for the user, and all the advantages of digital maintenance management can be used as all relevant tasks are available at the press of a button.


Breakthrough in digitalisation

With the Smartenance app, Festo is driving digitalisation forward and supporting its customers to enter the age of Industry 4.0. Automation expert Festo is combining its extensive knowledge of industrial applications with the latest developments in information technology to realise online applications for industrial automation practice. Festo is also using digital communication to support its customers throughout the Digital Customer Journey. This digital journey guides customers reliably and comprehensively through the Festo portfolio, from information procurement and configuration through ordering and delivery to commissioning and maintenance or even to the technical training offering of Festo Didactic.


Festo è un attore globale e un'azienda indipendente a conduzione familiare con sede a Esslingen am Neckar, in Germania. Fin dagli inizi Festo ha stabilito degli standard nella tecnologia dell'automazione industriale e nella formazione tecnica, contribuendo così allo sviluppo sostenibile dell'ambiente, dell'economia e della società. Prodotti e servizi sono disponibili in 176 paesi del mondo. L'azienda, infatti, fornisce tecnologia di automazione pneumatica ed elettrica a 300.000 clienti di automazione di fabbrica e di processo in oltre 35 industrie. Il settore LifeTech con la tecnologia medica e l'automazione di laboratorio sta diventando sempre più importante. Con circa 20.600 dipendenti in oltre 250 filiali in circa 60 paesi in tutto il mondo, Festo ha realizzato un fatturato di circa 3,65 miliardi di euro nel 2023. Ogni anno circa il 7% di questo fatturato viene investito in ricerca e sviluppo, mentre l'1,5 % del fatturato è investito nella formazione di base e di perfezionamento. Festo Didactic SE è un fornitore leader di formazione e formazione tecnica e offre ai suoi clienti in tutto il mondo soluzioni complete di apprendimento digitale e fisico in ambiente industriale.

Smartenance di Festo: manutenzione digitale per operatori di sistemi, manager di produzione e tecnici di manutenzione
© Festo SE & Co. KG
Gestione digitale della manutenzione per operatori di impianti, responsabili di produzione e tecnici della manutenzione

Persona di contatto globale


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