Festo joins the Siemens Industrial Edge ecosystem
Siemens Xcelerator, the open digital business platform, creates an open ecosystem for collaboration between customers, Siemens, and certified partners, from large technology companies to independent software developers. Festo and Siemens announced their latest partnership at this year’s Hannover Messe trade fair. Festo has joined the Industrial Edge ecosystem. To kick this off, Festo is offering the Festo AX Data access app, effective immediately, on the Siemens Industrial Edge Marketplace, where industrial customers can purchase numerous apps from different providers. The integrated IoT solutions based on these apps offer customers greater productivity, flexibility, and sustainability.
Siemens launched the independent, cross-vendor app store for industrial customers in October 2021. This marketplace is based on the Siemens Industrial Edge platform. It uses edge computing to process data right at its source, such as on an industrial PC in machines or plants. Effective immediately, Festo is offering data-driven AI solutions from the Festo Automation Experience (Festo AX) portfolio on the marketplace.
Breakthrough for digital solutions in manufacturing
"We’re pleased to offer our Festo AX Industrial apps on the Siemens Industrial Edge platform as part of our partnership", says Dr Oliver Niese, who heads Digital Business at Festo. "This gives Festo an additional sales channel for industrial customers in the areas of mechanical engineering and production. Users benefit from the opportunity to purchase apps from different providers in a single place, to start them up and run them on machines on the shop floor." Another customer benefit is the wide range of software components that can be integrated in production as standard. IoT solutions can even be scaled across lines and factories, thus considerably reducing manual software maintenance.
"At Siemens, we want to add even more partners to the Industrial Edge ecosystem, especially those in the field of automation", says Rainer Brehm, CEO of Factory Automation at Siemens. "A larger selection increases flexibility for our customers, who can develop individual IoT solutions from Siemens and partner modules (Industrial Edge apps and devices). We create the greatest value for our customers when we work together across company boundaries."
Analysing data
Festo launched its Industrial Intelligence portfolio with the Festo AX Data Access connectivity solution, which feeds data from Festo components into Siemens Industrial Edge to supply analysis applications with data. Customers can build a monitoring solution based on the data and thereby improve maintenance processes, lower their energy consumption, and improve quality. Additional industrial apps from Festo are expected to be available on Siemens Industrial Edge, such as AI-based wear prediction for pneumatic drives.
Self-service solution improves flexibility
Festo AX Industrial apps like AX Data Access are building blocks that can be combined with other applications from Festo, Siemens, and third parties to form larger solutions. They enable production employees to independently build digital solutions for optimising productivity. The partnership allows Festo and Siemens to support their customers on the path to becoming more sustainable, more flexible, and highly efficient.
Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, the company creates technology with purpose adding real value for customers. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers its customers to transform their industries and markets, helping them to transform the everyday for billions of people. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company Siemens Healthineers, a globally leading medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare. In addition, Siemens holds a minority stake in Siemens Energy, a global leader in the transmission and generation of electrical power. In fiscal 2022, which ended on September 30, 2022, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €72.0 billion and net income of €4.4 billion. As of September 30, 2022, the company employed around 311,000 people worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com.
费斯托 (Festo)是一家全球性的独立的家族企业,总部位于德国埃斯林根。自成立以来,Festo在工业自动化技术和技术教育方面制定标准,从而为环境、经济和社会的可持续发展做出贡献。公司为超过35个行业的30万家工厂和过程自动化客户提供气动和电驱动自动化技术解决方案,其中生命科学和实验室自动化业务受到越来越多的关注。Festo产品和服务遍布176个国家。2023年,费斯托在全球61个国家的250多个分支机构拥有约20600名员工,实现销售额36.5亿欧元。每年约7%的销售额用于研发。在这家学习型企业,1.5%的销售额用于基础和进一步培训。Festo 教学培训 (Didactic SE) 是全球领先的技术教育和培训供应商,为全球客户提供工业环境中全面的数字化和常规学习解决方案。