The Festo Incredible Machine celebrates its premiere at the Hannover Messe
To mark the company's 100th anniversary, the automation specialist Festo has designed an extraordinary machine that will be presented for the first time at the Hannover Messe 2025. Based on the principle of a Rube Goldberg machine, it does not manufacture a specific product but tells the story of motion in automation technology that has significantly influenced the family-owned company.
In a laboratory on the Festo campus in Esslingen, a completely new type of application is currently being created to mark the company's 100th anniversary. Many materials and technical devices are being brought into this laboratory and a large team from different departments of the company is working together on an impressive "anniversary exhibit".
The application will demonstrate Festo's diverse skills and extensive expertise in the field of automation technology as well as its innovative spirit to make the impossible possible. After all, inventiveness and a pioneering spirit have been part of the company's DNA from the very beginning. Just as the flap of a butterfly's wings can trigger a chain of movements, sometimes a small impulse brings about significant industrial changes.
From a Small Impulse to the Entire World of Motion
The eMotionButterfly from Festo sets the machine in motion. This impulse starts a fascinating journey of movements within the machine: into a world of industrial automation in which standing still is not an option, characterized by innovation and progress.
With the "Incredible Machine", Festo is looking back at its history, but above all it is looking forward to the future and demonstrating its fascination with motion technologies – whether pneumatic, electric, digital or a combination.
The details of this large machine are still a secret: it will celebrate its premiere at the Hannover Messe 2025. And this is just the beginning, the momentum continues: with the motto "Automation for a world in motion", the family-owned company will successfully start the next 100 years of automation technology, together with its customers and partners.
费斯托 (Festo)是一家全球性的独立的家族企业,总部位于德国埃斯林根。自成立以来,Festo在工业自动化技术和技术教育方面制定标准,从而为环境、经济和社会的可持续发展做出贡献。公司为超过35个行业的30万家工厂和过程自动化客户提供气动和电驱动自动化技术解决方案,其中生命科学和实验室自动化业务受到越来越多的关注。Festo产品和服务遍布176个国家。2023年,费斯托在全球61个国家的250多个分支机构拥有约20600名员工,实现销售额36.5亿欧元。每年约7%的销售额用于研发。在这家学习型企业,1.5%的销售额用于基础和进一步培训。Festo 教学培训 (Didactic SE) 是全球领先的技术教育和培训供应商,为全球客户提供工业环境中全面的数字化和常规学习解决方案。