ID: 3059

Making production adaptable

Festo’s Technology Plant with optimal material and value chain streams

Festo’s Scharnhausen Technology Plant in the high-tech country that is Germany is at the forefront of automation for the future. The factory, where the automation company manufactures valves, valve terminals and electronics, is characterised by lean and energy-efficient processes, top-quality products and a pronounced customer focus, as well as sustainable and green production.

The overall concept was characterised by this manufacturing location’s high degree of adaptability by and the establishment of an efficient value chain and value stream. These are decisive factors for Festo’s global competitiveness and for its high level of customer benefit. “With the Technology Plant, we are also well prepared to meet future requirements: we have created the space necessary for cooperative technology and product developments there, and also considerably improved the time to market through optimised procedures and realigned core processes,” says plant manager Stefan Schwerdtle. Thanks to the new factory’s central location and its favourable infrastructure, it is ideally networked with the headquarters of Festo, with customers throughout the world and with the living environment of its employees


The value stream in a state of flux

A key attribute of the factory is its holistic value stream management. All value streams from development, logistics and production at the Technology Plant are will be constantly kept in an optimal state of flux. “We are concentrating on identifying bottlenecks in the value stream and aligning the processes accordingly in the best possible way – by this means, we can avoid delays and ensure a smooth sequence of operations,” explains Stefan Labonde, head of Material Management at the Technology Plant.


The optimisation measures for the value streams have already proved highly impressive. “In the production of the DGSL pneumatic mini slide, for instance, the overall transport distance has now been reduced from 32 km to only 240 m, and the throughput times have thus also been cut by 66% because we can now carry out all processing stages at the one location,” says Stefan Labonde.


Interdisciplinary and adaptable

When it came to planning the new plant, experts from purchasing, development, IT, logistics, production and human resources immediately got together and worked in an interdepartmental manner. In this way, it was possible to come up with intricate plant architecture and turn this into a reality in three short years. According to plant manager Stefan Schwerdtle, a dynamic adaptation in line with future requirements is one part of the concept. “The development process is by no means complete when the plant opens. We are faced with new challenges in the global competitive arena that is the automation sector with employees who are ready to learn and are open to the changes in the area of production. Also the knowledge gained from our research into Industry 4.0 is channelled into the further development of the plant. This is how we are able to implement even complex changes in a sustainable manner.”


Production site that sets an example

Besides high-performance and competitive production, the new plant also sets an example: it is used by Festo as a reference factory for its customers to demonstrate the latest automation technology and an optimal material flow and well-oiled value chain. The Technology Plant is also characterised by lean, energy-efficient processes and by highly sustainable, environmentally compatible production. This is borne out by the Platinum Certificate that was awarded to the factory by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) in September 2015.


The Technology Plant in figures

The Scharnhausen Technology Plant is Festo’s main plant for the production of valves, valve terminals and electronics, and at the same time acts as a reference factory for customers. The plant occupies a total area of 66,000 square metres and employs 1,200 people. Festo has invested a total of 70 million euros in the expansion of the site.

Festo es un actor global y una empresa familiar independiente con sede en Esslingen am Neckar (Alemania). Desde sus inicios, Festo ha marcado pautas en la tecnología de automatización industrial y en la formación técnica, contribuyendo así al desarrollo sostenible del medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. La empresa suministra tecnología de automatización neumática y eléctrica a 300.000 clientes de automatización de fábricas y procesos en más de 35 sectores. El sector LifeTech, con la tecnología médica y la automatización de laboratorios, es cada vez más importante. Los productos y servicios están disponibles en 176 países de todo el mundo. En todo el mundo, unos 20.600 empleados en cerca de 60 países con más de 250 sucursales generaron unas ventas de aproximadamente 3.650 millones de euros en 2023. De esta cantidad, alrededor del 7% se invierte anualmente en investigación y desarrollo. En la empresa de aprendizaje, las medidas de formación y desarrollo representan el 1,5% de la facturación. Festo Didactic SE es un proveedor líder de educación y formación técnica y ofrece a sus clientes de todo el mundo soluciones integrales de aprendizaje digital y físico en el entorno industrial.